2010年11月26日 星期五


這是一張很珍貴的相片, 老爸在老媽的協助下, 努力又專注的切下他88歲的生日蛋糕, 老媽笑的開懷, 老爸臥病以來, 這是她難得的笑容。人的一生難得無憂, 但在切蛋糕的這一瞬間, 我想... 老爸, 老媽和我都很開心, 煩人的事全拋在腦後了...
今天, 到社大上會話課, Tr. Jacob 給了大家Thanksgiving day的話題- What are you thankful for? 我說: I would say the endless efforts my parents had ever done for saving my life. No doubt they had gone through a time of tears and heartbreak. I'll be grateful to them forever. 老師有點訝異看起來還算硬朗的我竟也有過生命交關的時刻, 想問細節, 我只是聳肩說: Long story. Maybe next time.
人活著有好多人事物都值得感謝, 老爸, 老媽讓我感謝更感恩, ... 五體投地啊!
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